Relaxing at home is a favorite tradition for many during the holiday season. Eating delicious food, playing games, watching movies, and making memories are all high on the to-do list this time of year. But for those who have recently moved into new homes, the holidays can feel a little disorienting as you’re trying to get settled. That’s why we’re offering these great tips for how to celebrate the holidays in your new home. We hope you and your loved ones enjoy the season and create traditions that you’ll treasure for many years to come!
Try some new decorations
If you’re still in the middle of unpacking, then you may not even know where those boxes of holiday decorations are. So why not try something new? You don’t need to go overboard – we know everyone is watching their budget right now. But a new wreath for the front door or easy homemade paper ornaments for the tree can be fun. Let the kids get in on it by having them pick out or make some new decorations, too.
Participate in holiday events in your new neighborhood
If you've moved to a new neighborhood, then now is a great time to get out and explore. Chances are there are holiday festivities happening such as plays, concerts, and parties that you can join. Driving around to look at neighbors’ holiday decorations is also a fun way to get to know your new community.
Meet your new neighbors
It’s also a great time of the year to meet your new neighbors. You can put together a small plate of holiday cookies and use it as an excuse to introduce yourself to the people in your community. If you feel comfortable doing so, then you can also invite some of your new neighbors over for cookies or cocktails. Ask them about fun events happening around town for the holidays to find out what’s popular in your area.
Send out holiday cards
We all love receiving holiday cards in the mail this time of year. Use this opportunity to send out holiday cards of your own that announce your new home and address to your friends and loved ones. Everyone will appreciate hearing about your recent move and it’s a great way to feel connected to those you love.
It’s not unusual to feel a little blue this time of year, especially if you’re celebrating the holidays in a new town. One of the best ways to beat the holiday blues is to volunteer. Helping others not only supports those in need, but it can also give your mental health a boost. Look for nonprofits in your area that need volunteers, such as the local homeless shelter or animal sanctuary.
Start a new tradition
Finally, one of the easiest ways to celebrate the holidays in your new home is to start a new tradition. Whether it’s taking a long family walk after a holiday meal or drying sliced oranges to use as decorations, starting a new tradition that you can continue year after year will make your new house feel like home in no time.
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