Cozy season is almost here! It’s time to get out those chunky knit sweaters and pour yourself a pumpkin spice latte. It’s also time to start getting your home ready for the coming season. By tackling these tasks now, you’ll be able to enjoy those crisp fall days ahead. Here’s what you need to know to prepare your home for the fall.
Do you have a fireplace in your home? Lucky you! There’s nothing cozier on a fall day than a fire. But fireplaces come with their own set of risks, and you need to make sure yours is in good working order. Now is the best time to have your fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned.
Stock firewoodIf that fireplace of yours is wood-burning, then it’s also time to stock up on firewood. It’s so much easier to get your firewood together now before the weather gets bad. Make sure you have a place to stack it outside where it will be protected. And have an easy way to bring a load inside on those blustery days.
Check your furnaceIt’s also time to make sure your furnace is in good working order. There’s nothing worse than having your furnace go out when the outside temperature drops below freezing. Have your furnace inspected and change out the filters. This will help to extend the life of your furnace and save you on your energy costs.
Prep your outdoor furnitureOutdoor living spaces have become such an important part of our homes during the pandemic. Keep your outdoor furniture looking good by washing it and bringing cushions and fabrics inside for the fall and winter. If not, they can get moldy. Store furniture in a shed or garage or keep them covered over the next few months.
Bring in your houseplants
Did your houseplants get a summer vacation in your garden? Then it’s probably time to bring them back inside. A good rule of thumb is to bring your houseplants back inside once the nighttime temperatures begin to fall below 50 degrees. Give them a good soaking to rid them of pests before bringing them inside.
Get out your cozy beddingYou don’t want to have to go in search of a warm blanket in the middle of a cold night. That’s why you should get out your cozy bedding now. We’re talking about those comfy down comforters, luxurious velvet bedspreads, and chunky knit throw blankets. Give your summer bedding a good wash and keep it stored in the closet.
Plant spring bulbsFinally, we know it’s hard to think ahead to spring when fall is just beginning. But you’ll thank yourself if you do. Now is the time to start planting spring bulbs in your garden. We’re talking about daffodils, tulips, and other flowers that are amongst the first to bloom in early spring. Those first signs of life can be good for our mental health after a long winter. So get those bulbs in the ground now before it freezes and you’ll enjoy that effort in just a few short months!
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