The holidays can be hectic – especially in a year where we’re also dealing with a pandemic. Many of us are adjusting how we’re celebrating this year. This can throw you off your normal routine and lead to forgetting some people on your shopping list – like your neighbors. If you’ve waited until the last minute to get a gift together for your favorite neighbors, then don’t worry. Here’s a great rundown of wonderful ideas that you can pull together on very short notice.
If you enjoy gifting practical items for the holidays, then help your neighbors stock up on essentials. One great gift is batteries. Who doesn’t need more batteries around the holidays? This is particularly true for neighbors with kids who may have forgotten to stock up on batteries for all those holiday toys. Another great idea is to gift a roll of holiday wrapping paper and some tape, saving them a trip to the store if they run out.
Homemade goodies
Are you good at making things? Then homemade goodies are a home run. If you’re baking holiday cookies and other treats this year, then make a couple of extra batches to give to your neighbors. But you don’t have to limit your homemade goodies to things you eat. Other ideas for DIY gifts include stovetop potpourri to make their homes smell amazing or even bath scrubs infused with essential oils to help them wash their holiday stress away.
Gift certificates to local establishments
There has never been a more important time to support local businesses. A great way to show your support is to purchase gift cards or gift certificates that your neighbors can redeem at local establishments. This could include restaurants, bars, coffee shops, salons, bookstores, and markets. You may even be able to purchase gift certificates online and print them at home, eliminating the need to visit a store in person.
Pandemic supplies
We’re heading into the home stretch with the global pandemic, but we still have a long winter ahead of us. Help your neighbors out by stocking them with much-needed pandemic supplies. Consider gifting them a package of toilet paper or paper towels, hand sanitizer, hand soap, sanitizing wipes, or disposable facemasks. We can never have too many of any of these items.
Donation made in their name
Many people are struggling as a result of the pandemic, and giving to charitable organizations is a great way to show support to those who need it most right now. Why not make a charitable donation in your neighbor’s name? You can support a local charity such as a food pantry or homeless shelter or a larger organization like the Red Cross or the International Rescue Committee. Write your neighbor a thoughtful note letting them know about their gift and give them a little bit of information about how that organization is helping people in need.
Nothing at all
Let’s face it – this has been a challenging year for everyone. If there was ever a year to give fewer gifts, then 2020 is that year. It’s OK to forgo giving gifts to your neighbors this year. Instead, simply write them a heartfelt note letting them know why you’re grateful to have them as a neighbor. Isn’t that really what this season is all about anyway?
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