Selling your home can be a big undertaking. Which is why it’s no surprise that some homeowners have turned to less-than-traditional methods to increase their odds of a quick and profitable sale or for good luck in a new home. From enlisting the help of a saint to applying ancient Chinese design principles, these are some of the more imaginative and mystical methods some home sellers choose to try.
Burying a statue of St. Joseph
This is probably an old superstition that you’ve heard of, and it continues to be popular amongst home sellers today. If you want to sell your home quickly, bury a statue a St. Joseph upside down near the sale sign. Then pray to him for a speedy and favorable sale. Once your home is sold, dig up the statue and give it a place of honor in your new home. One caveat – don’t bury the statue too close to your neighbor’s yard, or their home may sell before yours. Does this work? According to online testimonials, it does.
Burning dried sage
Burning bundles of dried sage, also known as “smudging,” is another common technique that some home sellers use to bring good luck. Dried sage has been used in rituals for thousands of years, so it’s not too much of a leap to think it might bring some positive energy to your home selling experience. The idea is that the burning sage clears away negative energy and helps a potential buyer feel positive in your space. To smudge your home, open the windows and light the sage until it starts burning. Then blow out the flame to leave the bundle smoking. Starting on the bottom floor, walk through your house and wave the stick into all the corners, thinking positive thoughts and imagining a happy sale.
Applying rules of feng shui
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging items in your home to maximize the flow of energy. While there are many rules that can be confusing and complicated, you can use some basic techniques to create a good vibe in your house. Red is a very lucky color in feng shui. Try lining the front walk to your door with red flowers, to direct good energy into your home. Not only will you be using a little feng shui magic, you’ll be sprucing up your curb appeal to potential buyers. Clear out clutter to help the energy flow, keep your stovetop clean, and make sure your home is light and bright. Regardless of whether or not these are feng shui tips, they are also just common sense ideas that will make your home more appealing to buyers.
Ditching that old broom
Finally, did you know there’s a superstition about old brooms and new houses? It’s said that you shouldn’t bring an old broom into your next home. Apparently, the broom will bring with it all your old bad luck. While we might be a little skeptical of this one, we don’t think it’ll set you back too much to buy a new broom – just to be on the safe side. If nothing else, you’ll be limiting how much old dust you bring with you.
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