
What Are Closing Costs?
When buying a home, you know you should expect to have a certain amount of money saved for a down payment. But have you stopped to consider how much you’ll need to have set aside for closing costs? Here we’ll…

Make Your Winter Garden Beautiful
Just because Old Man Winter is here doesn’t mean that your garden can’t be beautiful! In fact, winter gardens can provide their own special kind of magic and wonder, seamlessly taking you on a visually appealing journey from fiery fall…

Dress Up That Unused Fireplace
Nothing beats a warm, toasty fire on a cold, snowy day. But what if your fireplace is not working or not used? No problem! There are many creative ways to put that otherwise unused space to work for you. Here’s…

New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners
What’s your New Year’s resolution this year? Instead of making the same pact year after year to lose weight or eat healthy, why not make a resolution that sticks? If you’re a homeowner, consider making a commitment that can really…

How to Shop for a Mortgage
When you’re making a big purchase, like a car or a new computer, you tend to shop around for the best deal, right? While you may not realize it, you should do the same for a mortgage. After all, a…

New Story Builds Safe Homes
Have you ever stopped to consider how important your home is to your safety and health? Did you ever think about the connection between the place where you live and your family’s wellbeing? Have you stopped to consider what life…

Create Privacy in Your Yard
Even though you may love your neighbors, sometimes you just want to step outside for a little fresh air without having a conversation. With lots becoming smaller and the houses that sit upon them bigger, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to…

Tips for Choosing a Real Estate Agent
Are you currently buying or selling a home? Then you probably already know what a complex process it can be. Finding a professional to work with you every step of the way can not only make the journey much less…

Buying and Selling a Home at the Same Time
If you’re relocating for a job, trying to move before the school year begins or even hoping to avoid making payments on two mortgages, you may find yourself in the unenviable position of buying and selling a home at the…

Pros and Cons of Prefab Homes
During your home search, you may have come across advertisements for modular or prefabricated homes. Have you wondered how they differ from stick-built homes, or if they could be an option for you? Here we’ll break down the pros and…

Holiday Decorating When You’re Selling
While selling a home during the holidays can be more hectic than usual, sellers do have an advantage. It’s the perfect time to show your home in the best possible light with strategically chosen holiday décor. While you don’t want…

Spotting a Serious Home Buyer
One of the frustrations you may encounter when selling your home is dealing with people who may not be serious about buying. Perhaps they’re just testing the waters of the market or daydreaming about one day owning a home when…

Credit Score No-Nos
An important part of buying a house is getting your financial life in order. One reason is that the higher your credit score, the better rate you’ll secure for your mortgage. Mortgage lenders look at your credit score to determine…

Big Luxury on a Small Budget
You don’t have to be a billionaire to enjoy a little luxury. With some smart choices and a bit of imagination, you can live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. Here are some strategies to maximize the luxuriousness of…

Decorating with Family Heirlooms
We understand the dilemma – you absolutely love the handmade patchwork quilt you inherited from your grandmother, but it really doesn’t go well with your Mid-century Modern décor. Or perhaps your spouse owns of collection of antique books that have…

Get Your Garden Ready for Winter
Can you feel the chill in the air? Old Man Winter is on his way – which means it’s time to get your garden ready for the coming cold weather. By doing these gardening chores now, you’ll give yourself a…

Planning Your Cross-Country Move
There’s no doubt that daydreaming about your upcoming move to a new city on the other side of the country is exciting. Think of all the new things you’ll get to experience – getting to know a new town, meeting…

Is a Townhouse Right For You?
If you’re in the market for a new home but aren’t sure you want a big yard to take care of, you’ve probably considered buying a townhouse. But do you really know what you’re getting? While it may seem natural…