Choose the Perfect Neighborhood
If you’re in the market for a new home, part of choosing the perfect house is finding the right neighborhood. How do you do that? Start by asking yourself the right questions. Wh....

Save Money on Your Move
Moving can be tough on a tight budget – but not impossible. If you’re wondering how you’re going to get through your next move without spending a fortune, here are some of ou....

Home Buyer Pet Peeves
Selling your home can be a stressful and challenging process. Why would you want to make it doubly so by irritating potential buyers? Here’s what you want to avoid when putting y....

Help Your Kids Settle Into a New School
Moving into a new home can be a very exciting experience. But if you have kids and you’re moving more than a few neighborhoods away, chances are they’ll be going to a different....

Happy Neighborhood, Happy Home
Having a good relationship with your neighbors can have a big impact on how happy you are in your home. If you get along and have an easy rapport, it can truly add to your good fee....

Home Maintenance Checklist for Fall
Winter’s coming – and, no, we don’t mean it’s time for a new season of Game of Thrones. While the end-of-August hot temperatures may have you thinking summer is here to sta....