Buying Solo? What You Should Know
The number of people buying a home on their own is on the rise. Are you one of them? While it may seem daunting to purchase a property solo, it is certainly far from impossible. In....

How to Sell Your House When You Work From Home
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one quarter of employed Americans work from home. Innovations in technology coupled with a changing economy have made it easier ....

How to Deal With Post Home Purchase Anxiety
You just bought a new house. You should be happy, right? But unfortunately, you can’t quite shake this sinking feeling that somehow you’ve made a big mistake. The good news is ....

What Are Closing Costs?
When buying a home, you know you should expect to have a certain amount of money saved for a down payment. But have you stopped to consider how much you’ll need to have set aside....

Make Your Winter Garden Beautiful
Just because Old Man Winter is here doesn’t mean that your garden can’t be beautiful! In fact, winter gardens can provide their own special kind of magic and wonder, seamlessly....

Dress Up That Unused Fireplace
Nothing beats a warm, toasty fire on a cold, snowy day. But what if your fireplace is not working or not used? No problem! There are many creative ways to put that otherwise unused....