Social media is a tool that helps many businesses and brands extend their reach and real estate is no exception. Most home buyers begin their searches online and many turn to social media to aid in that search. It makes sense to harness the power of social media to extend the reach of your home for sale, but how exactly does it help? Let’s take a closer look.
You’ll reach serious buyers
There are many ways to market your home for sale, including mailings and ads. But not everyone who receives these messages is in the market for a home. However, social media can reach buyers who are seriously considering a home purchase. The audience may be smaller on social media, but you can feel confident that they are exactly who you want to target.
Hashtags help you get discovered
Hashtags are essentially keywords preceded by the hash (#) symbol. They allow social media users to specifically search for topics that interest them. When you post your home for sale on social media and include pertinent hashtags, you’re allowing your home to be easily found by interested buyers. You can use more general hashtags such as #realestate or #homeforsale. You can also get specific by using hashtags that include your city or neighborhood plus words like “homeforsale” or “realestate”. Examples include #HoustonHomeForSale or #RogersParkRealEstate.
Visuals – especially videos – can attract buyers
One of the best reasons to use social media to sell your home is that most platforms rely on visuals to grab attention. This is the perfect way to use those listing photos and videos. Videos are overtaking pictures as the preferred format, as evidenced by the popularity of TikTok videos and Instagram reels. So make high-quality video tours of your home and post away!
You can share early
You don’t even have to wait until your home is officially listed before you start sharing it on social media. Give your friends and followers a sneak peek before your house hits the MLS. You can score an early showing or two out of it and maybe even get an offer!
You can share often
Not only can you share your home for sale before it’s listed, but you can also share it as often as you want. That means you can always remain at the top of search results. On the MLS, the most recently listed homes are at the top of the search results. If your home has been on the market for a few weeks, then you may be several pages down in those listings. But on social media, you can post daily – or even more often – so that your home is always at the top of search results.
Sharing is easy
Finally, social media makes sharing your home for sale a breeze. Not only can you share your photos, videos, and information about the home, but your friends and followers can share them as well. This can exponentially extend your reach and help you find a buyer quickly and easily!
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